Tania is so very Tania

Imagen tomada de http://www.atlantico.net/ - Foto: nuria curras

I remember well the day of the Havana Biennial when Tania Bruguera, in her performance titled Tatlin’s Whisper, installed a pair of microphones so that anyone could enjoy one minute of freedom from the podium. Shortly afterward, this irreverent and universal artist went to Columbia and shocked everyone when — as a performance — she distributed cocaine to the audience. In Cuba, her gift to us was an intense dose of opinion without any gags; in Bogota she confronted them with evidence that drugs are the beginning and the end of many problems in that nation. The Colombian authorities were scandalized, but ultimately accepted that art is inherently a transgressor. But some of us who participated in Tatlin’s Whisper here, continue to be barred from entering movie theaters, theaters and concerts.

A week ago I learned that Tania — our Tania — has decided to found the Migrant Peoples Party based in New York and Berlin. This new party will defend those who were taken to the United States as children and now feel themselves in danger of being deported. She will also focus on undocumented Yugoslavs in Madrid, Nigerians who hide from the police in Paris, and Tamils who falsify their passports to stay in Zurich. Her new work of art/politics is grounded in those who, driven by personal dreams, economic hardship, war, family reunification or the unequal conditions of the world, have settled — without papers — in another country.

I admit I have the impulse to join this immigrant party, give than we eleven million Cubans are segregated in our own nation. There are pieces of our own territory we cannot access, cruise ships plying our waters that we are barred from by our national passports, land given in usufruct for 99 years only to people who can prove they weren’t born here, and joint venture companies for people who say “Madame et Monsieur” or speak in the cadences of Spain. Not to mention the severe restrictions they impose on us to enter and leave our own borders, restrictions that evoke the airport checkpoints where they detain illegals. There are times when we feel our nationality is like an expired visa, a canceled residence card, permission to be here that they can take from us at any time.

23 thoughts on “Tania is so very Tania

  1. Sandokan, it is not true that Cubans do not go to the hotels where foreigners go. That has changed some years ago. I was in Cuba in September, and my hotels (my wife, kids and I travelled to a few different places) were filled with Cubans too.

    You just need to go to any travel offices in Havana to see how many people flock to book a holiday in Varadero o Cienfuegos, in hotels previously only open to foreigners.

    And the new trend also dispell the myth the team “yoani” is promoting. The myth that Cubans do not have money.

    Yes, there are people struggling, no question. So are 60% of Mexicans, and they live in “pragmatic capitalism” with no sanctions, no obstacles, and a country rich in natural resources.

    But there are a lot of Cubans who are above the poverty line. I suggest a visit to Cienfuegos, and try to book a hotel there. If you manage, you will be surrounded with well dressed and well fed Cubans, most driving Golfs, Peugeots and Fiats, not antique Chryslers.

    Too many of them to all be the members of the “rulling” team. But if they are, tehn there are more of those than those who are opposed to them.

    And that may also be a waking point for those seeking change of the system.

  2. More than 15 million of tourists which have visited Cuba over the past decade, haven’t been able to influence a political and economic opening of Castro’s totalitarian regime, nor will be the millions of American tourists that will visit Cuba. How is possible to believe that tourism and trade with the United States can do it?

    The majority of tourists in the island stay at hotels located in isolate places, where their contact whit the ordinary Cuban population is very limited. The hotel workers are prohibited to interact with foreigners outside of their workplace. The regimen has put in place a tourist apartheid system.

    The lifting of the travel restrictions shall not be base on the incorrect assumption that a large number of US tourists will trigger a clamor for democracy in Cuba. James Cason, former chief of the US Interests Section in Havana, said: ”Tourism has not brought down a totalitarian regime anywhere in history.”

  3. Everything is wonderful and beautiful out there in “pragmatic capitalism”. or is it? What do the people who have to live in teh “paradise” think?

    Well, they have their own bloggers, but the powers to be would not give them awards that are reserved for the enemies of the left.

    See, telling the truth is not a profitable business. Lying, on the other hand is, so between the team “yoani”, and the truth, the “pragmatic capitalism” will always choose what is best for them: the profit.

    A selection of videos showing usanian politicians and public figures telling it like it is in the “paradise” of “pragmatic capitalism”.

    Only a day or two before the absolute collaps.

    Are you really sure that is what you want for Cuba?

    Because if you do, you are either n ignorant or a criminal.

    Your choice.


    CUBADEBATE: Yoani Sánchez pidió a subsecretaria de Estado tener acceso a compras on line, revela Wikileaks (+ Video)

    “¿Sabe cuánto más podríamos hacer?”, sugiere la bloguera a la funcionaria norteamericana de más alto nivel que ha visitado La Habana en décadas, aludiendo con el término “poder hacer” a la “lucha” para derrocar al gobierno de Cuba por la vía del acceso libre al mercado on line. Al estilo cubano, se traduciría en un “vía libre a la pacotilla”.

    “Los blogueros, que en parte por su propia preservación no quieren estar agrupados con la comunidad disidente, estaban igualmente optimistas acerca del curso de los acontecimientos. ‘Una mejora de las relaciones con los Estados Unidos es absolutamente necesaria para que surja la democracia aquí’, le dijo a Williams en su modesto apartamento la pionera de los blogs y una de las 100 personas más influyentes según la revista Time, XXXXXXXXXXXX: ‘Las restricciones sólo nos hacen daño’, y añadió. ‘¿Sabe cuánto más podríamos hacer si pudiéramos usar Pay Pal o comprar cosas on-line con una tarjeta de crédito? “


    CUBAINFORMACION: Yoani Sánchez, Fariñas, Posada Carriles, Emilio Stephan, Damas de Blanco recibieron miles de dólares del gobierno de EEUU (ver lista de pagos)
    Contrarrevolución- Miércoles, 22 de Diciembre de 2010 10:43

    Wikileaks y la razón de tantos premios

    Blog El látigo cubano.- Así que bloguera. Así que no es opositora. Así que cronista de la realidad. Así que periodista. Así que escritora. Así que filóloga. Así que…..

    Wikileaks ha puesto al descubierto la asignación de dinero a los “anticastristas”. Nosotros lo sabíamos pero la jauría se negaba a reconocerlo. Ahora ya todo está claro y con las pruebas que tanto pedían.

    Lo interesante de la lista es lo poco que considera el gobierno de los EEUU la eficacia de Yoani Sánchez y su concubino feo y mucho menos las huelgas de hambre del Coco. L Bizco Gutiérrez, por la muerte de Zapata le dan 3,5 millones. Miguel Saavedra con la aplanadora de Vigilia Mambisa recibe el doble de dinero que el podre Coco que por poco se parte. Hasta Marta Beatriz, la reina de 5ta y 42 tiene una asignación mayor. Mucho más interesante es que no hay ninguna asignación para Oswaldo Payá. Ahora se aclara el problema dentro de las Damas de Blanco, pues la Pollán no repartía bien el dinero y si lo repartía se quedaba con menos que Yoani y el Concubino.



    BBC NEWS: Cuba puts ‘imperialist’ US Wikileaks online-23 December 2010

    Cuba says it will publish on the internet more than 2,000 US diplomatic cables released by the website Wikileaks.

    The aim is to highlight US “imperialist” policy and efforts to “subvert” the Cuban revolution, the official Cubadebate.cu website said.

    The first seven documents, translated into Spanish, are already on the site.

    In some of them, US diplomats criticise Cuban opposition groups as divided and out of touch with ordinary people.

    Of 2,080 leaked cables in which Cuba is mentioned, Wikileaks have so far made public only 62.

    Cubadebate said it would focus on cables originating in the US interests section in Havana, the source of 507 leaked cables.

    It says the documents prove links between Cuba’s “so-called internal dissidence” and the US government.

    They also reveal the continuing “terrorist actions” against Cuba from the US, as well as “complicity” between the CIA and Cuban exile groups, it says.

    In other secret cables already released by Wikileaks, US diplomats say opposition leaders are largely unknown in Cuba and unlikely to ever run the country.

    US interests section chief Jonathan Farrar said dissidents deserved backing as the “conscience of Cuba,” but Washington should look elsewhere, including inside the Cuban government, for possible successors to the Castro regime.

    Health secrets
    It is not clear if the Cubadebate site will republish leaked cables which analyse the health of the former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, which were released by Wikileaks earlier this month.

    In those cables, US diplomats said Mr Castro came “close to death” in 2006 after suffering a perforated intestine and refusing a colostomy.

    The health of 84-year-old, who handed power to his brother Raul in 2006, is considered a state secret in Cuba.

    The former Cuban leader recently praised Wikileaks and its founder, Julian Assange, saying the leaks of thousands of diplomatic cables had brought the US “morally, to its knees”.

    “Julian Assange, a man who a few months ago hardly anyone in the world had heard of, is showing that the most powerful empire in history can be defied,” Fidel Castro wrote in an article published by Cuban state media.

    President Raul Castro said last week that the leaked cables showed that the US still acted as the “world’s policeman” despite the “friendly rhetoric” of President Barack Obama.

    Earlier this month the Bolivian vice-president, Alvaro Garcia Linera, began putting leaked US cables related to Bolivia on his official website.

    Mr Garcia Linera said the documents exposed Washington’s “interventionist infiltration” in Latin America.

    Bolivia’s left wing government, led by President Evo Morales, is a close ally of Cuba.


  6. The Associated Press: Cuba to free 2 prisoners, Catholic church says

    HAVANA — The archbishopric of Havana says that the Cuban government is soon to release two prisoners.

    Spokesman Orlando Marquez says Miguel Angel Vidal Guadarrama and Hector Larroque Rego are to be freed “shortly” and will be sent to Spain.

    The two men are not on a list of 52 dissidents whom Cuba has pledged to release under a deal with the church.

    Jailed in a 2003 crackdown, all 52 were supposed to be freed by early November, but 11 remain in jail.

    It wasn’t clear whether they were required to move to Spain in exchange for their release, but all but one of the 41 freed so far are now living there.

    Those still behind bars say they want to remain in Cuba.

    The announcement came in a statement Thursday.


  7. The moron dumbir and his team of intellectuals continue to amuse and entertain with the continuing series of dumb and dumbir comments. Despite other’s best efforts to enagage this nitwit in conversation and give him some credibility the stream of obsessive, propaganda-laced non-sequiturs and inane comments continue. For those of you that insist on being “fair” and open-minded towards everyone you might conclude that dumbir is a poor misinformed soul who is either brain-damaged, pickled in alcohol or drug-impaired. In my opinion as a cynic and a Cuban who knows code words and phrases when he hears them dumbir is an incompetent dyed-in-the-wool communist propagandist. The strident anti-Cuban-American rants, the obsession with Miami his use of castro inspired code words and phrases paints him for what he is. He may or may not being currently working at MIMINT for 200 CUCs a month, but we know where he his direction and deranged ideology came from.

  8. Canada and the US are countries that were founded and populated by immigrants. But where do you draw the line on illegal immigration today in the context of high unemployment, reduced employment opportunities and a lagging economy with questionable prospects for the future? How can you have a functioning and just immigration system in place where on the one hand you limit legal immigration from most countries by the use of the visa application process and the quota system and on the other allow illegal immigrants to invite themselves in to the country and eventually “normalizing” their status? Something is amiss there. I am an immigrant (legal) and by no means am I against continued immigration to the US but we are no longer living in the 20 century. In today’s economic realities can we expect American taxpayers to continue footing the bill for government aid for illegal immigrants? If we are in agreement that immigration must be controlled how do you deter future waves of illegals by normalizing or giving blanket immunity to the present group?

  9. An interesting reflection. A few of my thoughts.

    The right to leave and return to one’s own country is a internationally recognized and protected human right (Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights).

    There is no corresponding right in international law to enter another country with the intention of settling there illegally. Countries do have the right to secure their borders and prevent illegal immigration. However, countries like Canada and the USA should consider normalizing the status of many of the illegal migrants already within their borders who are otherwise law abiding and contributing to society.

  10. Simba Sez: Damir, how can you be so intelligent, and then say something so garbled it doesn’t even make sense. Do you drink a lot?

  11. There is a link here, on the home page in spanish on your left. That link, one of quite a few, is very interesting because it is called “Clasificados Cuba”.

    Who didn’t know the team “yoani” would be forgiven for thinking “There you go!!! Yoani is fighting for ordinary Cubans!!! She is helping them find a job!!!!!”

    What a great woman, our Yoani!!!


    Let us remind readers who that “Yoani” is. It is a person, o persons, who is on the record by saying that s/he/they want a “some kind of pragmatic capitalism for Cuba”.
    Here’s why is that important. Let us have a look at those “jobs” the samaritans behind the team “yoani” are pushing:


    Take a careful look. One is looking for people to send emails. Even in capitalism that i punishable by prison terms as it is considered ILLEGAL to spam people. Sending unsolicited emails is spam.

    Ok, leave that one… How about this one? Abogados Salazar… ahh… but wait… they actually sell European passports and drivers licences. From Mexico…!!!???

    Alarm bells MUST ring in your head. Mexicans selling EU identification documents, that CANNOT be legal. You know well you do not BUY passports, or drivers’ licence…

    Except in “yoani’s” delusional “pragmatic capitalism”…

    Stay clear from those people. They are definitely criminals. I wonder what is that telling you about “yoani”…?

    Ah, maybe I am just a pesimist. Let us keep looking. How about the next one? Hmmm… a bit complex… It is in russian…

    Требуется наборщик текстов на постоянной основе. Работа гибкая на дому. Работа элементарная, гибкая, не требует перемещений.Переводв ближайший банк.

    A quick rush to an online translator and before you know it, another scheme where desperate and poor Cubans will fall into the hands of unscrupulous criminals, this time directly under the “pragmatic capitalists” Putin and Medvedev management.

    And the list goes on, one advertisement worse than the other.

    I don’t know about you, but whoever advertises criminal activities as “jobs”, when it is clear that these have bugger all to do with employment, the honest one of course, you should question the author too. And his/her intentions.

    To an objective observer the situation is cristal clear: the team “yoani” promotes the lowest level of humanity as a “better” choice for Cubans. They openly promote criminal activities because a desperate human being sometimes has no other options to feed the family.

    How low can the team “yoani” go?

    Make your own conclusions. But to thousands reading this blob, sorry blog… it is cristal clear who and what is real “yoani” and what are his/her/their real goal.

    Criminal, exploitation of the vulnerable and desperate for her own benefit, instigatin destruction and panic in order to accelerate the chaos, which would greatly increase her/their own profits.

    Still doubt? Just look at the job ads, or “real estate” ads, and you should fast realise what is really going on.

  12. As we can see, not only the team “yoani” is lacking something substantial to offer to talk about (and yet, there is so much in Cuba), and their supporters are amplifying this inability to make even reasonable comments.

    It would be a total surprise if any one of them actually had something to say.

    Since there is no such luck, and life is too short to wait for anything remotely intelligent, let us continue:

    There is a link here, on the home page in spanish on your left. That link, one of quite a few, is very interesting because it is called “Clasificados Cuba”.

    Who didn’t know the team “yoani” would be forgiven for thinking “There you go!!! Yoani is fighting for ordinary Cubans!!! She is helping them find a job!!!!!”

    What a great woman, our Yoani!!!


    Let us remind readers who that “Yoani” is. It is a person, o persons, who is on the record by saying that s/he/they want a “some kind of pragmatic capitalism for Cuba”.
    Here’s why is that important. Let us have a look at those “jobs” the samaritans behind the team “yoani” are pushing:


    Take a careful look. One is looking for people to send emails. Even in capitalism that i punishable by prison terms as it is considered ILLEGAL to spam people. Sending unsolicited emails is spam.

    Ok, leave that one… How about this one? Abogados Salazar… ahh… but wait… they actually sell European passports and drivers licences. From Mexico…!!!???

    Alarm bells MUST ring in your head. Mexicans selling EU identification documents, that CANNOT be legal. You know well you do not BUY passports, or drivers’ licence…

    Except in “yoani’s” delusional “pragmatic capitalism”…

    Stay clear from those people. They are definitely criminals. I wonder what is that telling you about “yoani”…?

    Ah, maybe I am just a pesimist. Let us keep looking. How about the next one? Hmmm… a bit complex… It is in russian…

    Требуется наборщик текстов на постоянной основе. Работа гибкая на дому. Работа элементарная, гибкая, не требует перемещений.Переводв ближайший банк.

    A quick rush to an online translator and before you know it, another scheme where desperate and poor Cubans will fall into the hands of unscrupulous criminals, this time directly under the “pragmatic capitalists” Putin and Medvedev management.

    And the list goes on, one advertisement worse than the other.

    I don’t know about you, but whoever advertises criminal activities as “jobs”, when it is clear that these have bugger all to do with employment, the honest one of course, you should question the author too. And his/her intentions.

    To an objective observer the situation is cristal clear: the team “yoani” promotes the lowest level of humanity as a “better” choice for Cubans. They openly promote criminal activities because a desperate human being sometimes has no other options to feed the family.

    How low can the team “yoani” go?

    Make your own conclusions. But to thousands reading this blob, sorry blog… it is cristal clear who and what is real “yoani” and what are his/her/their real goal.

    Criminal, exploitation of the vulnerable and desperate for her own benefit, instigatin destruction and panic in order to accelerate the chaos, which would greatly increase her/their own profits.

    Still doubt? Just look at the job ads, or “real estate” ads, and you should fast realise what is really going on.

  13. As we can see, not only the team “yoani” is lacking something substantial to offer to talk about (and yet, there is so much in Cuba), and their supporters are amplifying this inability to make even reasonable comments.

    It would be a total surprise if any one of them actually had something to say.

    Since there is no such luck, and life is too short to wait for anything remotely intelligent, let us continue:

    There is a link here, on the home page in spanish on your left. That link, one of quite a few, is very interesting because it is called “Clasificados Cuba”.

    Who didn’t know the team “yoani” would be forgiven for thinking “There you go!!! Yoani is fighting for ordinary Cubans!!! She is helping them find a job!!!!!”

    What a great woman, our Yoani!!!


    Let us remind readers who that “Yoani” is. It is a person, o persons, who is on the record by saying that s/he/they want a “some kind of pragmatic capitalism for Cuba”.
    Here’s why is that important. Let us have a look at those “jobs” the samaritans behind the team “yoani” are pushing:

    Take a careful look. One is looking for people to send emails. Even in capitalism that i punishable by prison terms as it is considered ILLEGAL to spam people. Sending unsolicited emails is spam.

    Ok, leave that one… How about this one? Abogados Salazar… ahh… but wait… they actually sell European passports and drivers licences. From Mexico…!!!???

    Alarm bells MUST ring in your head. Mexicans selling EU identification documents, that CANNOT be legal. You know well you do not BUY passports, or drivers’ licence…

    Except in “yoani’s” delusional “pragmatic capitalism”…

    Stay clear from those people. They are definitely criminals. I wonder what is that telling you about “yoani”…?

    Ah, maybe I am just a pesimist. Let us keep looking. How about the next one? Hmmm… a bit complex… It is in russian…

    Требуется наборщик текстов на постоянной основе. Работа гибкая на дому. Работа элементарная, гибкая, не требует перемещений.Переводв ближайший банк.

    A quick rush to an online translator and before you know it, another scheme where desperate and poor Cubans will fall into the hands of unscrupulous criminals, this time directly under the “pragmatic capitalists” Putin and Medvedev management.

    And the list goes on, one advertisement worse than the other.

    I don’t know about you, but whoever advertises criminal activities as “jobs”, when it is clear that these have bugger all to do with employment, the honest one of course, you should question the author too. And his/her intentions.

    To an objective observer the situation is cristal clear: the team “yoani” promotes the lowest level of humanity as a “better” choice for Cubans. They openly promote criminal activities because a desperate human being sometimes has no other options to feed the family.

    How low can the team “yoani” go?

    Make your own conclusions. But to thousands reading this blob, sorry blog… it is cristal clear who and what is real “yoani” and what are his/her/their real goal.

    Criminal, exploitation of the vulnerable and desperate for her own benefit, instigatin destruction and panic in order to accelerate the chaos, which would greatly increase her/their own profits.

    Still doubt? Just look at the job ads, or “real estate” ads, and you should fast realise what is really going on.

  14. There is a link here, on the home page in spanish on your left. That link, one of quite a few, is very interesting because it is called “Clasificados Cuba”.

    Who didn’t know the team “yoani” would be forgiven for thinking “There you go!!! Yoani is fighting for ordinary Cubans!!! She is helping them find a job!!!!!”

    What a great woman, our Yoani!!!


    Let us remind readers who that “Yoani” is. It is a perosn, o persons, who is on the record by saying that s/he/they want a “some kind of pragmatic capitalism for Cuba”.
    Here’s why is that important. Let us have a look at those “jobs” the samaritans behind the team “yoani” are pushing:


    Take a careful look. One is looking for people to send emails. Even in capitalism that i punishable by prison terms as it is considered ILLEGAL to spam people. Sending unsolicited emails is spam.

    Ok, leave that one… How about this one? Abogados Salazar… ahh… but wait… they actually sell European passports and drivers licences. From Mexico…!!!???

    Alarm bells MUST ring in your head. Mexicans selling EU identification documents, that CANNOT be legal. You know well you do not BUY passports, or drivers’ licence…

    Except in “yoani’s” delusional “pragmatic capitalism”…

    Stay clear from those people. They are definitely criminals. I wonder what is that telling you about “yoani”…?

    Ah, maybe I am just a pesimist. Let us keep looking. How about the next one? Hmmm… a bit complex… It is in russian…

    Требуется наборщик текстов на постоянной основе. Работа гибкая на дому. Работа элементарная, гибкая, не требует перемещений.Переводв ближайший банк.

    A quick rush to an online translator and before you know it, another scheme where desperate and poor Cubans will fall into the hands of unscrupulous criminals, this time directly under the “pragmatic capitalists” Putin and Medvedev management.

    And the list goes on, one advertisement worse than the other.

    I don’t know about you, but whoever advertises criminal activities as “jobs”, when it is clear that these have bugger all to do with employment, the honest one of course, you should question the author too. And his/her intentions.

    To an objective observer the situation is cristal clear: the team “yoani” promotes the lowest level of humanity as a “better” choice for Cubans. They openly promote criminal activities because a desperate human being sometimes has no other options to feed the family.

    How low can the team “yoani” go?

    Make your own conclusions. But to thousands reading this blob, sorry blog… it is cristal clear who and what is real “yoani” and what are his/her/their real goal.

    Criminal, exploitation of the vulnerable and desperate for her own benefit, instigatin destruction and panic in order to accelerate the chaos, which would greatly increase her/their own profits.

    Still doubt? Just look at the job ads, or “real estate” ads, and you should fast realise what is really going on.

  15. As we can see, not only the team “yoani” is lacking something substantial to offer to talk about (and yet, there is so much in Cuba), and their supporters are amplifying this inability to make even reasonable comments.

    It would be a total surprise if any one of them actually had something to say.

    Since there is no such luck, and life is too short to wait for anything remotely intelligent, let us continue:

    There is a link here, on the home page in spanish on your left. That link, one of quite a few, is very interesting because it is called “Clasificados Cuba”.

    Who didn’t know the team “yoani” would be forgiven for thinking “There you go!!! Yoani is fighting for ordinary Cubans!!! She is helping them find a job!!!!!”

    What a great woman, our Yoani!!!


    Let us remind readers who that “Yoani” is. It is a perosn, o persons, who is on the record by saying that s/he/they want a “some kind of pragmatic capitalism for Cuba”.
    Here’s why is that important. Let us have a look at those “jobs” the samaritans behind the team “yoani” are pushing:


    Take a careful look. One is looking for people to send emails. Even in capitalism that i punishable by prison terms as it is considered ILLEGAL to spam people. Sending unsolicited emails is spam.

    Ok, leave that one… How about this one? Abogados Salazar… ahh… but wait… they actually sell European passports and drivers licences. From Mexico…!!!???

    Alarm bells MUST ring in your head. Mexicans selling EU identification documents, that CANNOT be legal. You know well you do not BUY passports, or drivers’ licence…

    Except in “yoani’s” delusional “pragmatic capitalism”…

    Stay clear from those people. They are definitely criminals. I wonder what is that telling you about “yoani”…?

    Ah, maybe I am just a pesimist. Let us keep looking. How about the next one? Hmmm… a bit complex… It is in russian…

    Требуется наборщик текстов на постоянной основе. Работа гибкая на дому. Работа элементарная, гибкая, не требует перемещений.Переводв ближайший банк.

    A quick rush to an online translator and before you know it, another scheme where desperate and poor Cubans will fall into the hands of unscrupulous criminals, this time directly under the “pragmatic capitalists” Putin and Medvedev management.

    And the list goes on, one advertisement worse than the other.

    I don’t know about you, but whoever advertises criminal activities as “jobs”, when it is clear that these have bugger all to do with employment, the honest one of course, you should question the author too. And his/her intentions.

    To an objective observer the situation is cristal clear: the team “yoani” promotes the lowest level of humanity as a “better” choice for Cubans. They openly promote criminal activities because a desperate human being sometimes has no other options to feed the family.

    How low can the team “yoani” go?

    Make your own conclusions. But to thousands reading this blob, sorry blog… it is cristal clear who and what is real “yoani” and what are his/her/their real goal.

    Criminal, exploitation of the vulnerable and desperate for her own benefit, instigatin destruction and panic in order to accelerate the chaos, which would greatly increase her/their own profits.

    Still doubt it? Just look at the job ads, or “real estate” ads, and you should fast realise what is really going on.

  16. As we can see, not only the team “yoani” is lacking something substantial to offer to talk about (and yet, there is so much in Cuba), and their supporters are amplifying this inability to make even reasonable comments.

    It would be a total surprise if any one of them actually had something to say.

    Since there is no such luck, and life is too short to wait for anything remotely intelligent, let us continue:

    There is a link here, on the home page in spanish on your left. That link, one of quite a few, is very interesting because it is called “Clasificados Cuba”.

    Who didn’t know the team “yoani” would be forgiven for thinking “There you go!!! Yoani is fighting for ordinary Cubans!!! She is helping them find a job!!!!!”

    What a great woman, our Yoani!!!


    Let us remind readers who that “Yoani” is. It is a perosn, o persons, who is on the record by saying that s/he/they want a “some kind of pragmatic capitalism for Cuba”.
    Here’s why is that important. Let us have a look at those “jobs” the samaritans behind the team “yoani” are pushing:


    Take a careful look. One is looking for people to send emails. Even in capitalism that i punishable by prison terms as it is considered ILLEGAL to spam people. Sending unsolicited emails is spam.

    Ok, leave that one… How about this one? Abogados Salazar… ahh… but wait… they actually sell European passports and drivers licences. From Mexico…!!!???

    Alarm bells MUST ring in your head. Mexicans selling EU identification documents, that CANNOT be legal. You know well you do not BUY passports, or drivers’ licence…

    Except in “yoani’s” delusional “pragmatic capitalism”…

    Stay clear from those people. They are definitely criminals. I wonder what is that telling you about “yoani”…?

    Ah, maybe I am just a pesimist. Let us keep looking. How about the next one? Hmmm… a bit complex… It is in russian…

    Требуется наборщик текстов на постоянной основе. Работа гибкая на дому. Работа элементарная, гибкая, не требует перемещений.Переводв ближайший банк.

    A quick rush to an online translator and before you know it, another scheme where desperate and poor Cubans will fall into the hands of unscrupulous criminals, this time directly under the “pragmatic capitalists” Putin and Medvedev management.

    And the list goes on, one advertisement worse than the other.

    I don’t know about you, but whoever advertises criminal activities as “jobs”, when it is clear that these have bugger all to do with employment, the honest one of course, you should question the author too. And his/her intentions.

    To an objective observer the situation is cristal clear: the team “yoani” promotes the lowest level of humanity as a “better” choice for Cubans. They openly promote criminal activities because a desperate human being sometimes has no other options to feed the family.

    How low can the team “yoani” go?

    Make your own conclusions. But to thousands reading this blob, sorry blog… it is cristal clear who and what is real “yoani” and what are his/her/their real goal.

    Criminal, exploitation of the vulnerable and desperate for her own benefit, instigatin destruction and panic in order to accelerate the chaos, which would greatly increase her/their own profits.

    Still doubt? Just look at the job ads, or “real estate” ads, and you should fast realise what is really going on.

  17. As we can see, not only the team “yoani” is lacking something substantial to offer to talk about (and yet, there is so much in Cuba), and their supporters are amplifying this inability to make even reasonable comments.

    It would be a total surprise if any one of them actually had something to say.

    Since there is no such luck, and life is too short to wait for anything remotely intelligent, let us continue:

    There is a link here, on the home page in spanish on your left. That link, one of quite a few, is very interesting because it is called “Clasificados Cuba”.

    Who didn’t know the team “yoani” would be forgiven for thinking “There you go!!! Yoani is fighting for ordinary Cubans!!! She is helping them find a job!!!!!”

    What a great woman, our Yoani!!!


    Let us remind readers who that “Yoani” is. It is a perosn, o persons, who is on the record by saying that s/he/they want a “some kind of pragmatic capitalism for Cuba”.
    Here’s why is that important. Let us have a look at those “jobs” the samaritans behind the team “yoani” are pushing:


    Take a careful look. One is looking for people to send emails. Even in capitalism that i punishable by prison terms as it is considered ILLEGAL to spam people. Sending unsolicited emails is spam.

    Ok, leave that one… How about this one? Abogados Salazar… ahh… but wait… they actually sell European passports and drivers licences. From Mexico…!!!???

    Alarm bells MUST ring in your head. Mexicans selling EU identification documents, that CANNOT be legal. You know well you do not BUY passports, or drivers’ licence…

    Except in “yoani’s” delusional “pragmatic capitalism”…

    Stay clear from those people. They are definitely criminals. I wonder what is that telling you about “yoani”…?

    Ah, maybe I am just a pesimist. Let us keep looking. How about the next one? Hmmm… a bit complex… It is in russian…

    Требуется наборщик текстов на постоянной основе. Работа гибкая на дому. Работа элементарная, гибкая, не требует перемещений.Переводв ближайший банк.

    A quick rush to an online translator and before you know it, another scheme where desperate and poor Cubans will fall into the hands of unscrupulous criminals, this time directly under the “pragmatic capitalists” Putin and Medvedev management.

    And the list goes on, one advertisement worse than the other.

    I don’t know about you, but whoever advertises criminal activities as “jobs”, when it is clear that these have bugger all to do with employment, the honest one of course, you should question the author too. And his/her intentions.

    To an objective observer the situation is cristal clear: the team “yoani” promotes the lowest level of humanity as a “better” choice for Cubans. They openly promote criminal activities because a desperate human being sometimes has no other options to feed the family.

    How low can the team “yoani” go?

    Make your own conclusions. But to thousands reading this blob, sorry blog… it is cristal clear who and what is real “yoani” and what are his/her/their real goal.

    Criminal, exploitation of the vulnerable and desperate for her own benefit, instigatin destruction and panic in order to accelerate the chaos, which would greatly increase her/their own profits.

    Still doubt? Just look at the job ads, or “real estate” ads, and you should fast realise what is really going on.

  18. And while we are talking about Cuba, Here’s why you (the team “yoani” and similar dissidents with outdated and delusional ideas:


    Usanians know who is worth more to them tomorrow. The people in Cuba, not the cuban dissidents in the usa, who are practicing crime for living. Usa is already doing that and being good capitalists, they hate competition. They know well who they need to talk to if they want to finally get over their own delusions.

    The team “yoani” is clearly NOT on the list.


    L.A. TIMES: Museum of Tolerance hosts Lech Walesa at Solidarity anniversary celebration-December 17, 2010

    The Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles this week hosted a 30th anniversary celebration for Solidarity, the Polish trade union that was instrumental in leading to the collapse of communism in Poland during the 1980s. Speaking at the event was none another than Lech Walesa, the former head of the union and president of Poland.

    Walesa spoke at the Wednesday event about his years as a union leader and political activist. The Nobel Peace Prize winner was joined on stage by Polish filmmaker Jacek Borcuch, whose recent movie “All That I Love” chronicles the rise of a fictional Polish punk band in the early ’80s, around the same time that Solidarity was gaining momentum. (The film played at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year.)

    The event was co-organized by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute — an official cultural organization to promote Polish culture — and the Polish Film Institute.

    Adding to the celebrity quotient of the evening was “Basic Instinct” actress Sharon Stone and guitarist Stephen Stills. They were joined by Gorki Aguila, the Cuban rock musician who has been openly critical of the Fidel Castro regime.

    In recent weeks, Walesa, 67, has been in the news regarding the latest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Walesa offered to accept the award on behalf of Liu Xiaobo, who was unable to attend the ceremony after being jailed by the Chinese government. (Walesa was unable to accept his, but his wife and son accepted for him.)

    Here’s another photo of Walesa and others at the Museum of Tolerance …


  20. For those non Cuban that share the idea that the Cuban can leave the country freely, I can assure that everything writing in the article is the real truth. How in the world can be compare the status of the US citizen that cant visit Cuba and the Cuban that need the government permit to go any were in the word (and pay for that permit, the “white card”). Once the people leave the country is when they really realize the freedom to travel.

  21. It will be interesting to see what will tania do with all the millions of immi-e-migrants. I wish her good luck with all the undocumented Yugoslav immigrants in Madrid, Spain and many other countries in the world ( a few thousands of Bosnians apparently have sought a shelter in Cuba).

    To un-educated wrong whinners in the slums of Miami, it may seem like a far and a distant country, yet Cuba and Yugoslavia have surprisingly many links that connect the people and the countries. Least of them is the architecture…

    It shoud be a compulsory reading for every Cuban, which ever side of politics s/he is favouring, to read what happens to even prosperous countries when they change the system in the country.

    Admittedly, Yugoslavia disintegrated first, however that too was engineered in the dark and evil corridors of the usanian dictatorship.

    Now, with the latest revelations on what exactly their peons on the ground are doing, and how the devil’s own army chooses its’ allies, Europe is shaking again under the latest revelations of the “achievements” so-called “democracy” made in “pragmatic capitalism” and added to its’ resume: drugs trade, prostitution, arms trade, white slavery trade, and albanian criminals have even added organ stealling and trade. And it was not even published by the Wikileaks. It was published by a Swiss investigator. Independent and, strangely, politically neutral man.

    THAT is what the allies of the “democratic and pragmatic capitalism” do to their own people, or perceived political enemies, when they are encouraged and financed by the worst and most evil country of all, the usa.

    The same one that is strongly supporting and financing our team “yoani”.

    Read and bear in mind that which is written there. Because, thanks to the people like the team “yoani” THAT is what is coming.

    There’s nothing to believe, it has happened to just about every ex-socialist country so far, it will happen to Cuba too.

    The usanians are not very inteligent, and their screenplays are largely one and the same: take side, find an ally and go all the way with them. If they stray, eliminate them too.

    Is THAT what you eally want for your country?

    If you do, you are a deviant and a criminal yourself.

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